

induktive Methode

Wissen ist Begriff vom Allgemei­nen, und All­gemeines wird zu­nächst an Einzelfällen durch Ver­gleich dieser Fälle untereinander erkannt. (Sokrates)

▪ Aufsteigen vom Besonderen zum Allgemei­nen (Aristoteles)

▪ Gesetzmäßigkeiten erschließen durch Beo­bachtung - Vergleich - Generalisierung

▪ Ausgangspunkt: Erfahrungen des Einzelnen

▪ Endpunkt: induktive Definition, der allgemeine Satz

deduktive Methode

Einen allgemeinen Satz, welcher die einzelnen Tatsachen der Erfah­rung, die zu seiner Ableitung ge­dient haben, als spezielle Fälle in sich enthält, nennen wir ein Gesetz.

▪ Absteigen vom Allgemeinen zum Besonde­ren

▪ Schluss vom Allgemeinen auf das Einzelne

▪ Ausgangspunkt: Regel, Gesetz, Definition

▪ Endpunkt: Bestätigung des Ge­setzhaften am Einzelnen

Varianten des Verstehensprozesses

Aufsteigende Verstehensprozesse
bottom up

Prozess "von unten nach oben":

▪ von Daten ausgehend zur Interpre­tation der Daten

▪ Erkennen der Zeichen und Zuwei­sen von Bedeutungen

▪ Erkennen von Strukturen

▪ Erkennen von Gesetzmäßigkei­ten

Absteigende Verstehensprozesse
top down

Prozess "von oben nach unten":

▪ von Vorinformationen, Erwartun­gen, Erklärungen, Interpretatio­nen... ausgehend zur Erkennung oder Verarbeitung von Begriffen und Strukturen

▪ Fortwährender Auf- und Umbau des Erwartungsrahmens wäh­rend des Verstehensprozesses (z.B. beim Lesen)



Übung 1:

Tidak oder Bukan


Indonesisch-Kurs in Ober Roden

We offer Indonesisch-Kurs in Frankfurt, Offenbach, Darmstadt, Dieburg, Mainz and other cities in Hessen. Instruction is delivered through private tutorials. Students may enroll as individuals or as small groups (of 2-4). Our Teachers are multilingual young people, all of whom are native-speakers of Bahasa Indonesia. Expert in teaching Indonesian Language for Expatriate. All of our Teacher speak German as second language.



Frankfurt, Mainz, Offenbach, Darmstadt, Dieburg ...You choose the location . . . and we come to you!
You relax at your home or your office . . . and we will come to you! The course can also be done in a restaurant, cafe, Biergarten or where ever as you wish for.

Our Course Offers and Price

Languages :
# Indonesian

Languages Used as a Medium of Teaching:
# German
# Indonesian

Cost in Euro :

1 Person:
EUR 20.00 Hourly

2 Person:
EUR 15.00 Hourly

Up 3 Person
EUR 10.00 Hourly

Experience Required: no

This Program is open to Worldwide Participants in Germany.

Participants stay in the area of Hessen, Germany.

Typically Participants Work Independently or in Groups of 2-4

Application Process Involves:

* Online Application plus Application Assessment

Year Founded: 2002, link to our website!

Our Partners:
Inwox International Workexperience AGB

Send Email:

Indonesisch-Kurs in Frankfurt

We offer Indonesisch-Kurs in Frankfurt, Offenbach, Darmstadt, Dieburg, Mainz and other cities in Hessen. Instruction is delivered through private tutorials. Students may enroll as individuals or as small groups (of 2-4). Our Teachers are multilingual young people, all of whom are native-speakers of Bahasa Indonesia. Expert in teaching Indonesian Language for Expatriate. All of our Teacher speak German as second language.



Frankfurt, Mainz, Offenbach, Darmstadt, Dieburg ...You choose the location . . . and we come to you!
You relax at your home or your office . . . and we will come to you! The course can also be done in a restaurant, cafe, Biergarten or where ever as you wish for.

Our Course Offers and Price

Languages :
# Indonesian

Languages Used as a Medium of Teaching:
# German
# Indonesian

Cost in Euro :

1 Person:
EUR 20.00 Hourly

2 Person:
EUR 15.00 Hourly

Up 3 Person
EUR 10.00 Hourly

Experience Required: no

This Program is open to Worldwide Participants in Germany.

Participants stay in the area of Hessen, Germany.

Typically Participants Work Independently or in Groups of 2-4

Application Process Involves:

* Online Application plus Application Assessment

Year Founded: 2002, link to our website!

Our Partners:
Inwox International Workexperience AGB

Send Email:

Indonesisch-Kurs in Mainz

We offer Indonesisch-Kurs in Frankfurt, Offenbach, Darmstadt, Dieburg, Mainz and other cities in Hessen. Instruction is delivered through private tutorials. Students may enroll as individuals or as small groups (of 2-4). Our Teachers are multilingual young people, all of whom are native-speakers of Bahasa Indonesia. Expert in teaching Indonesian Language for Expatriate. All of our Teacher speak German as second language.



Frankfurt, Mainz, Offenbach, Darmstadt, Dieburg ...You choose the location . . . and we come to you!
You relax at your home or your office . . . and we will come to you! The course can also be done in a restaurant, cafe, Biergarten or where ever as you wish for.

Our Course Offers and Price

Languages :
# Indonesian

Languages Used as a Medium of Teaching:
# German
# Indonesian

Cost in Euro :

1 Person:
EUR 20.00 Hourly

2 Person:
EUR 15.00 Hourly

Up 3 Person
EUR 10.00 Hourly

Experience Required: no

This Program is open to Worldwide Participants in Germany.

Participants stay in the area of Hessen, Germany.

Typically Participants Work Independently or in Groups of 2-4

Application Process Involves:

* Online Application plus Application Assessment

Year Founded: 2002, link to our website!

Our Partners:
Inwox International Workexperience AGB

Send Email:

Indonesisch-Kurs in Offenbach

We offer Indonesisch-Kurs in Frankfurt, Offenbach, Darmstadt, Dieburg, Mainz and other cities in Hessen. Instruction is delivered through private tutorials. Students may enroll as individuals or as small groups (of 2-4). Our Teachers are multilingual young people, all of whom are native-speakers of Bahasa Indonesia. Expert in teaching Indonesian Language for Expatriate. All of our Teacher speak German as second language.



Frankfurt, Mainz, Offenbach, Darmstadt, Dieburg ...You choose the location . . . and we come to you!
You relax at your home or your office . . . and we will come to you! The course can also be done in a restaurant, cafe, Biergarten or where ever as you wish for.

Our Course Offers and Price

Languages :
# Indonesian

Languages Used as a Medium of Teaching:
# German
# Indonesian

Cost in Euro :

1 Person:
EUR 20.00 Hourly

2 Person:
EUR 15.00 Hourly

Up 3 Person
EUR 10.00 Hourly

Experience Required: no

This Program is open to Worldwide Participants in Germany.

Participants stay in the area of Hessen, Germany.

Typically Participants Work Independently or in Groups of 2-4

Application Process Involves:

* Online Application plus Application Assessment

Year Founded: 2002, link to our website!

Our Partners:
Inwox International Workexperience AGB

Send Email:

Indonesisch-Kurs in Dieburg

We offer Indonesisch-Kurs in Frankfurt, Offenbach, Darmstadt, Dieburg, Mainz and other cities in Hessen. Instruction is delivered through private tutorials. Students may enroll as individuals or as small groups (of 2-4). Our Teachers are multilingual young people, all of whom are native-speakers of Bahasa Indonesia. Expert in teaching Indonesian Language for Expatriate. All of our Teacher speak German as second language.



Frankfurt, Mainz, Offenbach, Darmstadt, Dieburg ...You choose the location . . . and we come to you!
You relax at your home or your office . . . and we will come to you! The course can also be done in a restaurant, cafe, Biergarten or where ever as you wish for.

Our Course Offers and Price

Languages :
# Indonesian

Languages Used as a Medium of Teaching:
# German
# Indonesian

Cost in Euro :

1 Person:
EUR 20.00 Hourly

2 Person:
EUR 15.00 Hourly

Up 3 Person
EUR 10.00 Hourly

Experience Required: no

This Program is open to Worldwide Participants in Germany.

Participants stay in the area of Hessen, Germany.

Typically Participants Work Independently or in Groups of 2-4

Application Process Involves:

* Online Application plus Application Assessment

Year Founded: 2002, link to our website!

Our Partners:
Inwox International Workexperience AGB

Send Email:

Indonesisch-Kurs in Darmstadt

We offer Indonesisch-Kurs in Frankfurt, Offenbach, Darmstadt, Dieburg, Mainz and other cities in Hessen. Instruction is delivered through private tutorials. Students may enroll as individuals or as small groups (of 2-4). Our Teachers are multilingual young people, all of whom are native-speakers of Bahasa Indonesia. Expert in teaching Indonesian Language for Expatriate. All of our Teacher speak German as second language.



Frankfurt, Mainz, Offenbach, Darmstadt, Dieburg ...You choose the location . . . and we come to you!
You relax at your home or your office . . . and we will come to you! The course can also be done in a restaurant, cafe, Biergarten or where ever as you wish for.

Our Course Offers and Price

Languages :
# Indonesian

Languages Used as a Medium of Teaching:
# German
# Indonesian

Cost in Euro :

1 Person:
EUR 20.00 Hourly

2 Person:
EUR 15.00 Hourly

Up 3 Person
EUR 10.00 Hourly

Experience Required: no

This Program is open to Worldwide Participants in Germany.

Participants stay in the area of Hessen, Germany.

Typically Participants Work Independently or in Groups of 2-4

Application Process Involves:

* Online Application plus Application Assessment

Year Founded: 2002, link to our website!

Our Partners:
Inwox International Workexperience AGB

Send Email:


Kursus bahasa Indonesia di Jerman

Kami menawarkan kursus bahasa Indonesia di Jerman. Pengajar adalah penutur asli bahasa Indonesia yang memiliki pengalaman mengajar bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Jerman untuk orang asing.

Kursus bahasa Indonesia di Jerman kami tawarkan untuk kursus bahasa Indonesia kelas dan kursus bahasa Indonesia privat.

Lokasi kursus:
Kursus bahasa Indonesia di Mainz
Kursus bahasa Indonesia di Darmstadt
Kursus bahasa Indonesia di Dieburg
Kursus bahasa Indonesia di Offenbach
Kursus bahasa Indonesia di Frankfurt



Kursus Bahasa Indonesia Jakarta


We are Jakarta's leading language training institution for the study of Bahasa Indonesia - the Indonesian language. Instruction is delivered through private tutorials. Students may enroll as individuals or as small groups (of 2-4). Our Teachers are multilingual young people, all of whom are native-speakers of Bahasa Indonesia. Expert in teaching Indonesian Language for Expatriate.

We offer since 2005 six Bahasa Indonesia courses and have earned an international reputation, and are designed to serve every level of competency, from Absolute Beginner to Advanced.



You choose the location . . . and we come to you!
All language instruction is delivered at a location of your choosing!

While on-site delivery of language education may seem unusual to Western students, it is the most common mode of delivery among reputable language schools in Jakarta.

Jakarta is located on the island of Java, arguably, the most densely populated region on earth. With one-way commutes now averaging two hours in the congested Capital, students wishing to take a two-hour language lesson would have to be prepared to invest five or six hours of their day - a time investment most visiting students are not be willing to make to develop their language skills. Although Western young people generally thrive on the chaos and excitement of Jakarta, few are interested in spending three to four hours of each day on public buses.

Our on-site program relieves students of the stress normally associated with keeping appointments in Jakarta, by shifting that responsibility to us.

You relax at your home stay or guesthouse . . . and we will come to you!


Upon request, we will arrange your accommodation at local guesthouse or home stay. Depending on student preferences, accommodation costs range from $30 to $60 daily (approximately $300 to $500 weekly)

You also can be accommodated by one of our teachers, who speaks mostly German and / or English. Accommodation by teacher is more cheaper than at local guesthouses or home stay. You will get your own room with Air-Conditioner and Indonesian breakfast during your stay is included. By request, you also can be accommodated in a room with a computer + 24 free internet connection. Fix Price for this room is $200 weekly.

This is ideal as it enables us to situate you in an environment which will foster rapid language acquisition. While large hotels deal comfortably in English, Teachers generally use Bahasa Indonesia exclusively, providing you with daily opportunities to practice new language acquired and they know for sure, which level you are in. You are also flexible to arrange the course's schedule with your teacher.

Further, when the arrangements are left to us, we can ensure that the accommodation selected has an appropriate space for language instruction.

(We are happy to arrange airport transfer for students booking accommodations through us)

Our Course Offers and Price

Languages :
# Indonesian

Languages Used as a Medium of Teaching:
# English
# German
# Indonesian

Cost in US$: USD 12.00 Hourly
Cost in Euro : EUR 10.00 Hourly
Cost in Rupiah : RP 150.000 Hourly

Experience Required: no

This Program is open to Worldwide Participants.

Participants Travel to Indonesia Independently

Typically Participants Work Independently or in Groups of 2-4

Application Process Involves:

* Online Application plus Application Assessment

Year Founded: 2002, link to our website!

Our Partners:

Inwox International Workexperience AGB


Indonesisch lernen

Fitzeman bietet Ausländern auch eine gute Gelegenheit um die Landessprache Bahasa Indonesia zu erlernen. Unsere Sprachschule bietet die verschiedensten Formen von Unterricht an, von Einzelstunden bis Gruppenunterricht. Normalerweise bleibt man bei Fitzeman für einen Monat und hat dann den ersten Kurs hinter sich gebracht.

Allerdings ist es auch möglich unsere Klassenunterricht nur für Tage oder einige Wochen zu besuchen. Hat man mehr Zeit kann man sich auch an den Universitäten vor Ort einschreiben. Dadurch lernt man auch das indonesische Studentenleben besser kennen.

Informationen zu Indonesischkurs erhält man an unserem Buero waehrend der Arbeitszeit Mo. bis Fr. von 09.00 - 17.00 in der Jl. Patriot Raya No. 53 Jakasampurna, Bekasi Barat. Bekasi ist eine Großstadt, die zu der indonesischen Provinz Jawa Barat gehoert. Sie befindet sich östlich von Jakarta und hatte im Jahr 2005 ca. 1.520.000 Einwohner. Zusammen mit Jakarta und den im Süden und Westen angrenzenden Städten Bogor und Tangerang bildet sie die Metropolregion Jabotabek.

Tel. 021-8851982
Hotline :021-70832891

Unser Schule liegt weit weg vom Geschäftsviertel Jakartas, wo sich meist Stau-Probleme, Unruhe und Terror-Anschlaege befindet. Unsere Region ist kein Touristenort und man spricht da nur Indonesisch. Sie sind auch neben unserer Sprachschule untergebracht, wo die Verkehrs-Verbindung direkt zum Stadtzentrum Jakartas geht. Da wir ein Indonesisch-Deutsches Sprachinstitut sind, freuen sich sicher unsere Schuler schon auf Deutschen.

Satelitenbild von unserem Sprachinstitut:

View Fitzeman German Language Institut in a larger map

Zusammenarbeit mit INWOX International Workexperience


Indonesisch fuer Kinder

Klickt auf die gewünschte Zahl und wählt öffnen mit Word aus.
Silahkan mengklik nomor yang diinginkan dan pilih buka dengan Word.

Evt dauert der Download der Seite eine Weile ... habt Geduld!
Butuh beberapa saat selama download....sabar !

Ihr könnt das Bild auf Euerem Computer speichern oder ausdrucken.
Kalian bisa menyimpan gambarnya dalam komputer kalian atau boleh langsung diprint

Die Arbeitsblätter können für Lernzwecke vervielfältigt werden.
Lembar kerja dapat diperbanyak hanya untuk tujuan belajar.

Sie dürfen jedoch nicht kommerziell eingesetzt werden.
Dilarang menggunakan untuk tujuan komersial

Viel Freude beim Lernen!
Selamat Belajar!


Proyek - Proyek Bilangan

Proyek A

Zahl 1
Zahl 2
Zahl 3
Zahl 4
Zahl 5
Zahl 6
Zahl 7
Zahl 8
Zahl 9
Zahl 10

Proyek B

Dalam proyek berikut, kalian akan mendalami pelajaran dalam proyek sebelumnya dengan tetap memberikan prioritas pada bilangan. Bilangan yang sudah dipelajari dalam proyek A akan sering ditemui dalam proyek ini. Cara menyelesaikan proyek ini akan dijelaskan dalam bahasa Jerman pada halaman berikutnya. Guru kalian akan menjelaskan sebelum memulai. Untuk memulai, silahkan klik disini.

Link diatas hanya bisa dibuka dengan panduan seorang guru kami.


Belajar Bilangan Dengan Kartu

Mit diesen Zahlenkarten könnt ihr Euer Wissen selbst testen!
Dengan kartu-kartu bilangan ini, kalian bisa menguji kemampuan diri sendiri.

Zu jeder Zahl von 1- 10 gehören 6 weitere Karten.
Setiap bilangan dari 1 - 10 memiliki 6 kartu berikutnya.


Zahl 2 - 2 Eimer - 2 Teller - 2 Tische - 2 Tassen - 2 Häuser - 2 Mäuse
Angka 2 - 2 Ember - 2 Piring - 2 Meja - 2 Cangkir - 2 Rumah - 2 Tikus

Habt ihr Euere Zahlenreihe gelegt und dreht die Karten um, sollte eine durchgängige
Linie mit dem gleichen Motiv sichtbar sein. Hat eine Karte ein anderes Motiv auf der
Rückseite, mußt Du auf der Vorderseite nochmals genau zählen. Durch die Lösungskon-
trolle könnt ihr Euch leicht selbst überprüfen.Die Karten haben ein Format von A 5.
Ich habe 2 Karten auf einer A4 Seite zum ausdrucken zusammengefaßt. Erst ausdrucken,
dann schneiden, Vorder und Rückseite zusammen einlaminieren oder auf Karton kleben.
Viel Freude beim Lernen!

Rückseite 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Vorderseite 1 + 2

Rückseite 2 2.1 2.2 2.3

Rückseite 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 Vorderseite 3 + 4.doc

Rückseite 4 4.1 4.2 4.3

Rückseite 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 Vorderseite 5 + 6.doc

Rückseite 6 6.1 6.2 6.3

Rückseite 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 Vorderseite 7 + 8

Rückseite 8 8.1 8.2 8.3

Rückseite 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 Vorderseite 9 + 10

Rückseite 10 10.1 10.2 10.3


Course Offerings & Cost

Each Course Level : 13 Tutorial Sessions
Tutorial Sessions : 2 Hours
Total Course Hours : 26 Hours

(Provide students with the basic skills necessary to communicate effectively in professional, social and personal settings.)

IND 1.1 . . . Beginner I . . . 13 Sessions / 26 Hours
IND 1.2 . . . Beginner II . . .13 Sessions / 26 Hours

(Focus on grammatical structures, enabling students to communicate on a wider range of subjects.)

IND 2.1 . . . Intermediate I . . . 13 Sessions / 26 Hours
IND 2.2 . . . Intermediate II . . .13 Sessions / 26 Hours

(Focus less on verbal communication and more on reading and writing ability.)

IND 3.1 . . . Advanced I . . . 13 Sessions / 26 Hours
IND 3.2 . . . Advance II . . .13 Sessions / 26 Hours


Tuition fees for each of the six courses is identical.

You are welcome to enroll as an individual or as a small group (2-4 persons). Tuition fees are contingent on the number of students participating in a given course.

Cost per Session (2 hours) : Rp 270,000 (approx US$22.00)
Total Course (13 Sessions) : Rp 3,510,000 (approx US$286.00)

Cost per Session (2 hours) : Rp 360,000 (approx US$32.00)
Total Course (13 Sessions) : Rp 4,450,000 (approx US$416.00)

Cost per Session (2 hours) : Rp 450,000 (approx US$42.00)
Total Course (13 Sessions) : Rp 5,850,000 (approx US$546.00)

Cost per Session (2 hours) : Rp 540,000 (approx US$52.00)
Total Course (13 Sessions) : Rp 7,020,000 (approx US$676.00)

Prices are including Course Book and other Materials

Registration Fee:
A Registration Fee of Rp 200,000 per student is added to Course Fee (approx US$20.00)


Students or student groups design their own regular weekly lesson schedules, studying as extensively or intensely as they wish -
from two lessons per week to thirteen lessons per week.

Although students are expected to complete an entire course level (13 lessons), it is entirely up to the student(s) to decide on the frequency of those lessons.
Students usually make this decision based on the length of their stay in Jakarta and the other cultural priorities they may have.

Lessons are scheduled Monday to Friday between 9 am and 9 pm; Saturday between 9 am and 6 pm.
Within these parameters, students may arrange their regular lessons at flexible times throughout the week.

Indonesian Language Course Jakarta


We are Jakarta's leading language training institution for the study of Bahasa Indonesia - the Indonesian language. Instruction is delivered through private tutorials. Students may enroll as individuals or as small groups (of 2-4). Our teaching faculty is comprised wholly of university-accredited Indonesian language instructors. They are multilingual young people, all of whom are native-speakers of Bahasa Indonesia. Expert in teaching Indonesian Language for Expatriate.

We offer since 2005 six Bahasa Indonesia courses and have earned an international reputation, and are designed to serve every level of competency, from Absolute Beginner to Advanced.



You choose the location . . . and Language Studies Indonesia comes to you!
All language instruction is delivered at a location of your choosing!

While on-site delivery of language education may seem unusual to Western students, it is the most common mode of delivery among reputable language schools in Jakarta.

Jakarta is located on the island of Java, arguably, the most densely populated region on earth. With one-way commutes now averaging two hours in the congested Capital, students wishing to take a two-hour language lesson at Language Studies Indonesia's Jakarta facility would have to be prepared to invest five or six hours of their day - a time investment most visiting students are not be willing to make to develop their language skills. Although Western young people generally thrive on the chaos and excitement of Jakarta, few are interested in spending three to four hours of each day on public buses.

Our on-site program relieves students of the stress normally associated with keeping appointments in Jakarta, by shifting that responsibility to us.

You relax at your home stay or guesthouse . . . and we will come to you!


Upon request, we will arrange your accommodation at local guesthouse or home stay. Starting from January 2010, you also can be accommodated by one of our teachers, who speaks mostly German and English. Accommodation by teacher is more cheaper than at local guesthouses or home stay. You will get your own room with Air-Conditioner and breakfast during your stay is included.

This is ideal as it enables us to situate you in an environment which will foster rapid language acquisition. While large hotels deal comfortably in English, Teachers generally use Bahasa Indonesia exclusively, providing you with daily opportunities to practice new language acquired and they know for sure, which level you are in.

Further, when the arrangements are left to us, we can ensure that the accommodation selected has an appropriate space for language instruction.

Depending on student preferences, accommodation costs range from $30 to $60 daily (approximately $200 to $400 weekly.

(We are happy to arrange airport transfer for students booking accommodations through us)

Languages :
# Indonesian

Languages Used as a Medium of Teaching:
# English
# German
# Indonesian

Cost in US$: USD 12.00 Hourly

Experience Required: no

This Program is open to Worldwide Participants.

Participants Travel to Indonesia Independently

Typically Participants Work Independently or in Groups of 2-4

Application Process Involves:

* Online Application plus Application Assessment

Year Founded: 2002, link to our website!

Our Partners:
Inwox International Workexperience AGB